Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Web 2.0 as catalyst for reaching out to users

Want some quick ideas on how to connect subject information to our students?
Norah Xiao has written an excellent article "Web 2.0 as catalyst :virtually reaching out to users and connecting them to Library resources and services" in Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. "
She says :
"This article is based on services to library users in the area of chemistry at the Science and Engineering (S&E) Library of the University of Southern California (USC), to which I applied various new technologies as outreach approaches. Various Web 2.0 technologies such as a blog, tags, YouTube, RSS feeds, Instant Messaging, online presentation and e-surveys have been selected to overcome challenges in the current library framework and to enhance the effectiveness of the approaches. These Web 2.0 technologies function as catalysts which help lower human barriers between my users and me, enable me to reach my users virtually, and attract users to resources from the library as well as various services I provided."

Pic is of a fantastic cake shop I saw in Brompton Road, London last Friday. Proves we can make cakes in the UK.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Evaluating Web 2.0 resources

Readers of this blog may already know that I think the evaluation of resources is of paramount inportance in information literacy. Web 2.0 tools have provided us the means to deliver our teaching in new ways, but have also provided sources of information. In the case of Wikipedia this is now a huge! Blogs can give the latest buzz on topics.
Therefore it is useful to include these in evaluation guidance. This is what tghe UWE iSkill zone have done. Look at their site here.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Information Literacy and Web 2.0 : a paradox

Sheila Webber has already blogged about this one.
Call for Papers: IL and web 2.0: a paradox?
A stream @ ALIA Access 2010 Conference in Brisbane, Australia 1-3 Sept.

"Web 2.0 is changing the way people live, work and play. It is changing the way people experience their information worlds. What impact is web 2.0 having on the people’s information needs and information practices? How does web 2.0 affect the way in which libraries support and deliver information literacy resources and programs? How does web 2.0 affect the way in which libraries support and deliver information literacy resources and programs?

You are invited to make a submission to the Information literacy and web 2.0: a paradox? seminar being held as part of ALIA Access 2010 Conference.

This one day seminar will be to provide the opportunity for the Australian Library and Information profession to critically consider and discuss the impact web 2.0 is having on the information needs and practices of the communities they serve. The session will provide the opportunity for the LIS professionals to exchange ideas and best practice examples in the way they use web 2.0 to provide information literacy resources and programs.

Submit your abstract by February 11 2010 at http://conferences.alia.org.au/access201…

All submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:
• Relevance to session theme
• Clarity, coherence, organization of writing
• Academic or professional merit
• Originality and innovation of the work

The one day seminar is hosted by ALIA Pathways, visit http://www.alia.org.au/groups/infolit.

If you would like to know more please contact Mark Jones at Mark.Jones at deta.qld.gov.au or Helen Partridge at h.partridge at qut.edu.au.

I have been sitting on this reference wondering what to say!I've never thought of it as a paradox!

I know that it will not be me trying to be relevant,coherent, academic and original, because I expect to have retired by that time!

Therefore it is up to YOU the readers of this blog to take up the challenge!!!

Boolean searching

Boolean searching video from USF Polytechnic may be useful to you. Never been my favourite area to teach.

21st Century Information Fluency

Don't forget the 21st Century Information Fluency Site if you want to find ideas for presentations, interactive games and exercises, etc.Mainly aimed at School level, but Iused some keyword exercises with first undergraduates.

The igloo at St Albans, January 2010

Facebook guide

Mashable have created an online guide to using Facebook, here.
There are sections om :
Managing your Facebook Wall
Facebook for Business
Facebook applications
Advanced topics

I must find time to go through it.

Protecting Reputations Online

There is a brilliant new Commoncraft video "Protecting Reputations Online" which most students (UG or PG) would benefit from viewing. Thanks to iLibrarian for drawing it to my attention.

"Aimed at younger or inexperienced web users, this video helps explain the long-term risks of sharing inappropriate photos, videos and stories on the Web. We've seen the stories and heard personal accounts about people who shared an inappropriate photo that eventually caused them to lose their job or miss an opportunity. Preventing this kind of problem can come from increased awareness about how the Web works and what it means to share something with the public. This video is about taking responsibility and making choices to protect reputations. "

Pic is of some guys who buiolt an igloo last weekend in St.Albans! How abou that?

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

I was right about the chaos

This is the street down to our house this morning!
And more snow is expected....

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Happy New Year! and the 2010 Horizon Report

My posting sort of fizzled out after mid December, amid the snow and Christmas preparations. I want to wish all my readers a reallY Happy New Year. Last year was a pretty exciting one for me, and who knows whether this blog will even exist by this time next year? Will I retire properly ?
I hear on the news that there could be 40cm of snow around here tomorrow. We British are hopeless with snow so expect stories of chaos!

There has been a preview 2010 Horizon Report here. I was interested that they see Digital media literacy as a key 21st century skill, with a widening training gap for faculty and teachers.Some faculty are realising they are limiting their students by not helping them to develop and use digital media literacy skills across the curriculum.They feel that this is worsened by the lack of clarity in being able to codify the skills or set standards for their measurement.


"More and more, people expect to be able to work, learn, study, and connect with their social
networks wherever and whenever they want to. We are not tied to desks anymore when we wish to use computers. Workers increasingly expect to be able to work from home or from the road, and most everyone expects to be able to get information, addresses, directions, reviews, and answers whenever they want. Mobile access to information is changing the way we plan everything from outings to errands. A corollary of this trend is the expectation that people will be available and online, anywhere and anytime."

This is our challenge!