Thursday, 20 October 2011

Infographics are in!

The 2.0 phenomenon has spawned the ability to create visual representations of data, which can be really powerful. Of course creating visuals was always possible but it has got easier and "infographics" are here to stay. Here is an example of one from UMPF about the use of social media by people in the UK, based on a survey of 2387 UK adults.See original posting for details.
It was also featured and commented upon on the Cool Infographics blog. It's the infographic that you should look at.

Slideshare and Facebook joined up

After a long break (which I shall explain in later posts) I'm back and catching you up with things you may already know about!!
SlideShare announced :
"While the Facebook application is not an exact replica of SlideShare, we have tried to include the core features. You can upload your presentations, tag them, comment on others’ presentations and browse using “latest” or “most viewed” tabs . You can also import any of presentations from SlideShare into Facebook with a single click, by specifying the username or tag. This saves the hassle of copying-pasting the embed code. These presentations will show up in Facebook as “imported” with the proper attributions to the original author/user on SlideShare. We think this feature will allow the best content from SlideShare to be consumed by an entirely new audience. "