Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Mobile delivery of Information Services

Char Booth has posted here about her recent survey for Council of Chief Librarians of California Community Colleges, which was partly about use of mobile technologies.
It showed most users were very or fairly likely to use mobile content, resarch and support.
She also linked mobile service to the kind of mobile support which can be offered by a no-frills vendor pushcart which can go between sites and be among our users. This is a fascinating post and the report below is important.

Skills that travel : Transliteracy and the Global Librarian

Must recommend this presentation by Lane Wilkinson at ACRL/NY Annual Symposium on 2 Dec. 2011. If you have not come up against the concept of Transliteracy, this presentation is an excellent advocate for showing how it can illuminate the role of the modern librarian. Highly recommended.