Wednesday 30 September 2009

What is Library 2.0?

Almost exactly a year ago I posted a blog saying that Helen Partridge, at Queensland University of Technology, had been awarded funding to look at Library 2.0 in library and information Education. For a while there has been a blog associated with this project: the LIS Education 2.0 project
It has postings every week or so, and is an interesting one to follow, I think.

Amongst other things, it alerted me to an article that came out a couple of months ago:
Holmberg, K. et al. (2009) "What is Library 2.0?" Journal of Documentation, 65 (4), 668-681.
They come up with a definition from the study that they did, namely:
"Library 2.0 is a change in interaction between users and libraries in a new culture of
participation catalysed by social web technologies." (p677)
This puts the focus on the interaction rather than the library, the technology or the users.

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