Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Mobile apps and resources at Newcastle University

I have said on numerous occasions how important the mobile dimension to our services  is set to become. Also I have long admired the LibGuides interface. This guide from University of Newcastle Library ticks both these boxes so it is a pleasure to feature it as an example of good practice!

It features the INTO Newcastle University app which gives everything new students need to know about living and studying in Newcastle.(A city which I enjoy and visit regularly to visit my son - not at University but working up there); Library search on a mobile ; encouragement to find the nearest available PC, contact tutors, check timetable on their mobile ; Facebook site ; links to other subject guides accessible by mobile ; links to basic apps ; explanation of wireless access ; explanation of  a mobile site ; explanation of  an app.


ucas said...

Hi there, awesome site. I thought the topics you posted on were very interesting. I tried to add your RSS to my feed reader and it a few. take a look at it,

hopefully I can add you and follow...

Newcastle University

kennady said...

Mobile apps are really useful for many purposes. It depends upon the requirements needed by the users. Thanks for sharing this information.