Tuesday 12 August 2008

Podcast : Beyond the Google Generation - next steps

This interesting 14 minute podcast follows up the Rowlands report.The "Google Generation" made a major impact when it was published in January of this year. In this podcast interview one of its authors Ian Rowlands of University College London talks to Philip Pothen from JISC about some of the implications of the report, while Rachel Bruce, JISC programme director, gives her views on the report and possible next steps.
In the podcast Ian suggests that academics should retreat from the old standard declamatory teaching methods, relax and make it more fun. Librarians can assist. Totally agree with this and Web 2.0 tools can help. He believes we do not know enough about user behaviour : they are not homogenous, and we should seek segmented data so we understand better the contexts in which they use Google. In one sense, future user behaviour is predictable : they expect one click solutions and we must make our library systems simpler.

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