This is the blog which updates the books "Information Literacy meets Library 2.0" (2008) and "Information Literacy beyond Library 2.0' (2012)
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Happy Christmas!
Let's have none of this Season's Greetings stuff! This is my 100th post this year - just made it - not so much news this year - and next year will bring some surprises.
We're covered with snow again and not coping too well. My proposed trip yesterday aborted through car with flat battery!
This is just to wish everyone who reads this a very Happy Christmas and let's have a great 2011
(Twenty eleven, not Two thousand and eleven!).
Pics are of the Nativity with a Scottish flavour ; and St Albans Abbey this weekend.
How Twitter is changing : new study reveal's Twitter's new direction
It is true that twitter has changed so much in the past year with users being more willing to share their identity and personal information. Only 2.05% connect to over 1000, and 22.5% of users post 90% of tweets. An interesting read - see here.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Engaging Millenials through Problem-Based Learning
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Academic excellence in 140 characters
They say :
"This is a video created by one of my students to summarize the research we conducted on the effects of Twitter on student engagement and grades. The journal article summarizing the study and our findings is available online at:
Despite the widespread use of social media by students and its increased use by instructors, very little empirical evidence is available concerning the impact of social media use on student learning and engagement. This paper describes our semester-long experimental study to deter-mine if using Twitter -- the microblogging and social networking platform most amenable to ongoing, public dialogue -- for educationally relevant purposes can impact college student engagement and grades. A total of 125 students taking a first year seminar course for pre-health professional majors participated in this study (70 in the experimental group and 55 in the control group). With the experimental group, Twitter was used for various types of academic and co-curricular discussions. Engagement was quantified by using a 19-item scale based on the National Survey of Student Engagement. To assess differences in engagement and grades, we used mixed effects analysis of variance (ANOVA) models, with class sections nested within treatment groups. We also conducted content analyses of samples of Twitter exchanges. The ANOVA results showed that the experimental group had a significantly greater increase in engagement than the control group, as well as higher semester grade point averages. Analyses of Twitter communications showed that students and faculty were both highly engaged in the learning process in ways that transcended traditional classroom activities. This study provides experimental evidence that Twitter can be used as an educational tool to help engage students and to mobilize faculty into a more active and participatory role."
Next is Now!
They say
"Advancements in technology are quickly creating a mobile environment, and one that has students hooked. This isn't new news, but what's telling is that it's not stopping, or slowing down. The video you are about to see paints the real picture of how students are connecting more and more heavily with the digital world. They reap 24/7 access to all the information they could ever want, and enabling them to learn and absorb whatever information they choose. For education, what we fear we should prepare for is already here. In order to bring our students the information they need to take on unknown careers of the future, we have to discover now who they are, and what it is they are dealing with. We have to choose to participate, and openly share and collaborate with them. Yesterday was the day to be present, and this video will bring you more reason to believe that what is next is definitely now."
PubChem instruction videos
They last about 6 minutes each. Here is a sample
It's all about social media, stupid!
Friday, 26 November 2010
Library 2.0 Bah Humbug! in Oxford
Sheila Webber was also there and has blogged on her Information Literacy Weblog about :
my talk here
Eric Davies Web 2.0 : ethics and law here
Helen Clough : Elluminate use at the OU Library here
Lucy Power : Scientific social networking here
Philippa Levy and Sheila Webber Technology enriched IBL here
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
How can you help Tom? A school librarian's guide for preparing students for University.
Libraries in a transliterate, technology fluent world
I liked the one by Douglas Adams (of "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy" fame) best :
"I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:
- Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
- Anything that's invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
- Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things. "
Best Video creation tools for the classroom
"There was a time, not too long ago, that making a video required expensive video equipment and software. That’s no longer true. Now, without spending a dime on cameras or software, your students could craft the next great documentary or YouTube sensation."
All that is needed is creativity and patience...oh and the time to try these out!
15 easy to use apps for adding multimedia to Twitter
Attention !
Howard Rheingold ( is the author of Tools For Thought, The Virtual Community, Smart Mobs, and other books and is currently lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University.
He says :
"I focus on five social media literacies:
- Attention
- Participation
- Collaboration
- Network awareness
- Critical consumption
Although I consider attention to be fundamental to all the other literacies, the one that links together all the others, and although it is the one I will spend the most time discussing in this article, none of these literacies live in isolation. They are interconnected. You need to learn how to exercise mindful deployment of your attention online if you are going to become a critical consumer of digital media; productive use of Twitter or YouTube requires knowledge of who your public is, how your participation meets their needs (and what you get in return), and how memes flow through networked publics. Ultimately, the most important fluency is not in mastering a particular literacy but in being able to put all five of these literacies together into a way of being in digital culture."
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
We've launched our Android App !
It features :
- Links to the Learning Resources website and Library Catalogue with full search facilities
- A subscription link to the uoblibrary Twitter feed
- Listings all of our 'Just a Minute' Library videos which you can watch on the go
- GPS 'Find a campus' to guide you to any of our campuses from wherever you are
- E-mail through the auto-enquiry function or call us directly to renew items and more.
- Compatible with all Android phones running version 1.6 and above
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Plagiarism resources
Friday, 29 October 2010
Finding our students at their point of need
She says: Higher Education is changing ; The point of need is changing ; What we do changes too ;
It's not about us..... it's about them.
This is the best presentation I've seen this year - love the images and style, but it's the message that is really important. I was only thinking about some of the same issues earlier this week (for a Conference talk) and pleased (and a trifle relieved) to see common ground! Not going to tell you what ! Do take a look at it!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
How to use Delicious : the King of Socialbookmarking
For exisiting users it gives some ideas you may not have thought of - particularly with use of tags. For new users ( and I am a great fan of delicious and could not do without it...) there is good guidance on how to get started.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Libraries in a Digital Age
Tara Brabazon : the end of shhhhh in the Library
"In a time of shrinking funding, librarians’ savvy use of time- and space-shifting podcasts can aid diverse groups of students and scholars and highlight valuable resources".
Saturday, 16 October 2010
John Palfrey: Rethinking Plagiarism in the Digital Age?
He says "we need to find ways to give students a finer-grained understanding of what plagiarism means in the information context in which they are growing up. My view is that we start with first principles."
It's quite a short but interesting read.
Information Fluency Strategies and Practices to Help Enhance Critical Thinking Skills
I particularly iked the idea that
"Information fluency is the intersection of information literacy, computer literacy and critical thinking."
Web 3.0 : enhancing reality with mobile applications
"A visual exploration of current possibiilities of augmenting physical reality through new mobile/wireless applications and the mobile web. New reality augmentation methods for business, advertising, travel, geolocation, social networking, history and information literacy through mobile devices, QR codes, geolocation, barcode reader and reality augmentation applications for the mobile web, web 3.0."
Prepare yourself for an aural assault....
Friday, 15 October 2010
Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Information Literacy
Friday, 8 October 2010
Librarians Do Gaga
Thanks to a query on lis-link I have come across this video Librarians Do Gaga. Students and faculty from the University of Washington's Information School get their groove on!!Directed, edited, and produced by Sarah Wachter and lyrics by Sarah Wachter. It's aiming to get students to get to the Ca-ca-ca-catalogue and those databases! Must try it out with a group sometime. Maybe 4 minutes is a bit long??
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Future of screen technology
It is the result of TAT's (The Astonishing Tribe)Open Innovation experiment - an experience video showing the future of screen technology with stretchable screens, transparent screens and e-ink displays...
I'm not sure I could cope with the displays while I am shaving....
Thursday, 16 September 2010
The Principal who wants to ban social media in his school
It comments :
“Kids beat each other up in the playground all the time. We don’t ban schools”
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Not fully commissioned : Do not use
After a holiday break in Scotland I am back but I feel like a sign on a water machine here :
"Not Fully Commissioned : Do Not Use"
I was amused by this because it is a good example of official language that is designed to be hard for the users! Could be added to Michael Stephens' collection of notices on his Tame the Web blog : here is an example.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
How the internet is altering your mind
I tend to agree with comments from Professor Andrew Burn of University of London Institute of Education"Temporary synaptic rewiring happens whenever anybody learns anything," he says. "I'm learning a musical instrument at the moment, and I can feel my synapses rewiring themselves, but it's just a biological mechanism. " (Yes!! so that's why I am finding it so hard learning to play the organ at the moment reading two bass lines, one for feet and one for left hand...")
Delivering information literacy programmes in the context of network society and cross-cultural perspectives
Friday, 20 August 2010
No link between social media and student grades
Predictors and Consequences of Differentiated Social Network Site Usage is a report by Eszter Hargittai and Yu-Li Patrick Hsieh, published in Information Communication and Society, 13(4) June 2010, 515-536.
There is a useful commentary of the report on Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning blog.Here is the abstract :
"Applying a typology of social network site (SNS) usage that takes into consideration the intensity with which people use such sites, this piece offers an empirical investigation of how users' social practices on SNSs differ and whether different levels of engagement have consequences for academic performance. We rely on a unique survey-based data set representing a diverse group of young adults to answer these questions. We find, not surprisingly, that the more intense users of such sites engage in more social activities on SNSs than those who spend less time on them and only use one such site. This finding holds both in the realm of stronger-tie activities and weaker-tie activities, that is social practices involving one's close friends as well as less established ties. Our analyses suggest gender difference in level of engagement with SNS social practices. Women pursue more stronger-tie activities than men, such as interacting with existing friends. In contrast, women engage in fewer weaker-tie activities than men, such as developing new relationships on such sites. However, neither SNS usage intensity nor social practices performed on these sites are systematically related to students' academic performance, findings that challenge some previous claims to the contrary. "
Blended Librarian talks Information Literacy
Google chief's fears for Generation Facebook
"I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time," he told the Wall Street Journal. "I mean we really have to think about these things as a society."
The weirdest thing he came out was " a stark warning over the amount of personal data people leave on the internet and suggested that many of them will be forced one day to change their names in order to escape their cyber past."
Bet the Passport Office and ID Card development staff are not too keen on this...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Want some good advice about screencasting?
Then look at Tips from the Experts Five Minute Screencasts - The Super Tool for Science and Engineering Librarians, by Olivia Bautista Sparks, Noble Science and Engineering Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. This excellent article comes from Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Winter 2010.
She often uses screenr. a free screencasting serice. There are some examples of her work introducing herself (Meeting your chemistry librarian) ; Exporting references from PubMed into RefWorks (this one really impressed me because I thought no-one can make this intelligible and yet I stayed wake through the whole 5 minutes..) ; more stuff on class instuction voia screencast ; and a very useful comparison chart comparing four screencasting services.
Finally : this is not just for Science and Englibneering librarians! All subject librarians can gain hugely from this brilliant little article!
Pic is of St Albans Abbey
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Trust Online: Young Adults’ Evaluation of Web Content
"As our findings show, students are not always turning to the most relevant cues to determine the credibility of online content. Accordingly, initiatives that help educate
people in this domain – whether in formal or informal settings – could play an important role in achieving an informed Internet citizenry."
Web 2.0 in the classroom? Dilemmas and opportunities inherent in adolescent Web 2.0 engagement
"Young people are increasingly active Web 2.0 users, and their interactions through these technologies are altering their social identities, styles of learning, and exchanges with
others around the world. The paper argues for more research to
investigate this phenomenon through the use of virtual ethnography and
identifies the ethical challenges that lie therein. It raises questions for
school education and presents an argument for studying the area in
culturally sensitive ways that privilege adolescents’ voices."
If you build it will they come? Researchers and Web 2.0
They conclude "Our study indicates that a majority of researchers are making at least occasional use of one or more web 2.0 tools or services for purposes related to their research: for communicating their work; for developing and sustaining networks and collaborations; or for finding out about what others are doing. But frequent or intensive use is rare, and some researchers regard blogs, wikis and other novel forms of communication as a waste of time or even
Uptake of Web 2.0 varies according to discipline. There is a lack of trust and a good deal of conservatism around. It is a useful document for all librarians who have to support researchers to have a look at.
The message is :
"Information professionals should not seek to re-establish centralised provision, which might
inhibit the dispersed processes of innovation and experimentation. Instead they may need
to rethink their current roles and organisation, and to broaden their agendas to include
effective support for web 2.0.
Their roles might usefully include:
• raising awareness of the range of tools and services and their relevance for different
kinds of activities;
• publicising examples of successful use and good practice by research groups and
networks across a range of disciplines;
• providing guidelines and training to help researchers make informed choices;
• helping to set standards and providing advice on curation and preservation."
Teaching Strategies for the Net Generation
This article by Ronald A. Berk of John Hopkins University is worth a read. The author acknowledges the limitations of a wide brush approach but still "acknowledging those limitations, I still think there is legitimacy to suggesting a set of characteristics and cultural trends derived from sound scientific research that can guide future teaching practices for faculty." When I was at London South Bank we had a Learning and Teaching Day and we had the pleasure of hearing Professor Berk speak. It was a name I could not forget.
Pic is of student group at Luton in our Library some years ago. I wonder how different they were?
Information Literacy in context
Miss Sophie Mac did a great post "Information Literacy in context" which emphasises the connect between their studies and everyday life. I have believed for a while that the breakthrough in public understanding of information literacy would come if there is an understanding that this is important in whatever task we seek to undertake. At a simple level we require to read the up to date bus timetable to get to work, or reliable health information on the web rather thana site that has a vested interest in selling to us.
She goes on "Within an everyday life information seeking context there are socio-cultural contexts to consider when planning IL training. For example, an academic library IL program might be three tiered consisting of: generic skills, subject specific skills, assignment specific skills. When teaching subject or assignment specific skills is there a way to apply an everyday life lens so the experiences can be applied to formal and informal settings? I believe we can achieve this by understanding the needs of learners and the socio-cultural context of their learning."
Pic shows the activity going on in our LRC over the summer!
21st Century Information Fluency
The latest material that I have had a brief look concentrates on Web 2.0. There is a comparison chart between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. here. Also material on digg, twitter, delicious, Google bLog Search etc. Very useful for teaching ideas.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Library Day in the Life
I used to think : how has anyone the time to do this? Who cares anyway? In fact it can be an interesting little time capsule for others and ourselves!
Here goes :
This morning began early : at 5.30 I began to think "how can I best contribute to the brainstorm sharing on use of presentation software that we are going to have at work at 10.00 today?" Maybe I should use my iPad for the first time to show how some of these little projects I have been trying have turned out? How well will it work in the wireless environment there?
Let's forget yesterday's 3 hours bafflement with Camtasia Studio followed by trying to play the feet and left hand at the same time on the church organ in the evening...
6.00 and time to get up. No time for exercises or piano playing today - it's straight into trying to get a Photo Story movie working on PBWorks on my iPhone.
Plenty of time to make the tea and still no image. Could do a full English and eat it before this would work...
Time to get the bus to work. Still so keen time today for Paul Wellman's 'Glory God and Gold' about the Spanish excesses in 16th century New Mexico! Reading latest updates on TweetDeck, favouriting the best for later scrutiny.. then deep little sleep..where am I? Is this the ride home...oh no it's the journey in!!!
8.30 Hiding the iPad on the desk - don't want to let on about it yet. Hear that there's a video conferencing and "Oh no there's no meeting - the presentation software sharing is next week!"
What a relief so can forget the agonising over the merits of Jing, Photo Story, Camtasia, Movie Maker, Audacity etc. and how it all fits together.
Let's relax and try out a little video I made on Jing in one of our blogs : loads beautifully - so easy. Let's try it on my iPhone ...aargh it's invisible.
Tomorrow is my day off : Friday is the Mashup event in Huddersfield. We have to make our own badges - have to do something for this....
Let's return to yesterday's battle with Camtasia - that slide just didn't line up with my dulcet tones - 30 more minutes or dragging, cursing, poring over help pages - time for tea.
Let's put some photos on flickr - find out about possibility of storing a short video there. Will thisd help with the badge if I can get a QR code on the badge?
11.30-12.30 moving and shelving books as part of the rebuilding exercise overthe summer.
12.30 Lunch i9n the Business School building - more building work going on. Glad to see that the wall that was being constructed yesterday in front of the main door is only partial, creating a new slim-line ingress! Lamb Rogan Josh with rice - excellent.
1.00 My first Photo Story movie placed in flickr, and works with a QR code created in BeeTagg and read via I-nigma! It was a spoof "Art Show" made up of some photos I took last year, introduced by a certain John Farquhar-Robotham.
2.00 Create new little movie in Photo Story about University of Bedfordshire using photos taken today on iPhone, put on flickr create barcode and badge for Friday! Feel like a lie down.
3.50 Phone rings and have to meet earnest new researchers and give short tour of the library (hard hats not necessary).
4.20 Return to writing this. Decide not to mention the iPad - looking forward to playing with it tomorrow planning Scottish trip, Last-fm etc.
Monday, 19 July 2010
InfoWhelm and Information Fluency
They say
"We live in a 24/7 InfoWhelm world. We have access to more information than we will ever need. This video will tell you just how much information there is out there. It requires a different set of skills than the ones we leave school with today."
I say
"What a world we live in and what an exciting opportunity for librarians to act as information guides".
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
New students require new librarians
They speak of the convenience of texting; e-mail is for corresponding with teachers or your aunt; used to multi-tasking ; bored with lectures ; texting with th ephone that is like an extension of your arm ; you can learn via mobiles, text Google for definitions and social media helps "like to give us independence and freedom to learn".
So much of this we have read in other places but like the thing that stood out to me was like it was WHY do they have keep saying LIKE all the time? There were 78 LIKES in 6 minutes 18 seconds!
There's been a lot said about the Web generation not being able to write (I do n't really accept this - twitter can be a great way of making us succinct) but it's the way that they express themselves which I notice. At that point my grumpiness will cease.
I do- like- recommend the video!
Monday, 12 July 2010
Ever wondered how Google searches?
Out Google Your Students!
and this great handout useful to help us use Google for more than a search engine!
Evaluating Websites Tutorial
How do they (even) do that?
Here are her Final Thoughts
- Cell phones leap frog connectivity roadblocks for low income, minority teens and adults
- Teens and young adults are not monolithic – so a multi-pronged approach is prudent
- Changes suggest a move towards mobile…
- … but teens and young adults do not always embrace the newest thing
- Young adults know that you are watching, and are increasingly taking steps to manage their online reputations
Digital Literacy Handbook
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Library Mashups
Adventures in Library Instruction Podcast
The Adventures in Library Instruction podcast series is a mine of information from well-known practitioners like Buffy Hamilton and Lauren Pressley.
In the latest episode, Jason and Rachel interview Chad Mairn, and talk about a variety of technology issues and questions, including bringing technology to new populations, QR codes, the future of technology, research, and the library, and how to teach Wikipedia. Oh, and how to update an information literacy tutorial.
Pic shows Apple store in London on day of launch of new iPhone.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Savvy Web 2.0 Teens Forge Critical Thinking Skills
Web 3.0
Tim Berners-Lee
Clay Shirky
Chris Dixon
David Weinberger
Nova Spivack
Jason Shellen
Lee Feigenbaum
John Hebeler
Alon Halevy
David Karger
Abraham Bernstein.
Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo.
Kate Ray is a recently-graduated NYU journalism/psychology student.
This looked great!
When we started this blog IL and Web 2.0 were not that connected. It is really good now to see examples of how things have moved on. Here is the programme for an event "Everything you wanted to know about teaching Information Literacy but were too afraid to ask " which was a Summer Information Literacy Workshop sponsored by the User Education Committee
of the NJLA College and University Section/ ACRL/NJ and the Shared Information Literacy Committee of VALE‐NJ, the Virtual Academic Library Environment.
And I've just noticed that the Instructional Design course was moderasted by Jacqui DaCosta from the College of New Jersey, who is an old friend from the UK!
Pic is of our LRC here at University of Bedfordshire and it is sunny today just like that.
Twitter Tutorials
Includes Twitter in Plain English, Getting started with Twitter, Twitter lists in a nutshell, How to do a Twitter profile, Best Twitter tools, Finding Twitter followers, Tweeting from any cell phone, and Twitter for business and branding.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Is it Social Media or Web 2.0?
Google Scholar launches a blog!
Sounds as though this could be useful to some researchers.
Anybody tried it yet?
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Web 2.0 integration in information literacy instruction
I blogged about this (Luo, Lili "Web 2.0 integration in Information Literacy instruction: an overview" in Journal of Academic Librarianship 36(1) 32-40 ) earlier in the year without having access to the text. Having read my interlibrary loan copy I can now firmly recommend it as an interesting update to this blog.
It contains a survey and semi-structured interviews examining the adoption of Web 2.0 in IL instruction.An e-mail message was sent to the ILI-L listserv. I found it disappointing that only 50 valid responses were received and then 8 follow-up interviews were then undertaken. However the results are encouraging and very follow up our case studies in the book.
There was mention of use of Web 2.0 tools to illustrate importance of evaluation :
e.g.Facebook as a metaphor for evaluating stuff on the web - a friend request = like evaluating information.
e.g.Change an article on Wikipedia to demonstrate active participatioon of the Web.
e.g. Using flickr to snag digital images and apply attribution and how to put stuff on Wikipedia emphasising copyright and creative commons.
Overall respondents reported positive reaction to Web 2.0 tool usage in IL classes.
The article suggests 3 levels of IL and Web 2.0 :
1. Librarians use for own purposes without engaging students.
2.Librarians (84% of surveyed) use to facilitate delivery of content to students.
3.Librarins (38%)draw on certain features of tools to better illustrate IL concepts.
There is a very useful Table (Table 2) to help us develop Web 2.0 integrated instruction.
She concludes "the landscape of Web 2.0 is constantly evolving and it is crucial that librarians stay current with its development....following professional blogs....."
I guess that is where this little blog comes into the picture (although I cannot see any evidence of awareness of it in the bibliography!!!)
Pic shows me on a boat trip in Scotland - yes it was wet - but it also looks as if I am about to broadcast a declaration, presumably about Information Literacy, down the white tube!
E-Readers and the Device versus the books
This is not particularly about information literacy!
But e-readers are still very topical and if we want to encourage our users to use them to read text books then the Educause 7 Things you should know about E-Readers is a must read.
In the "where is it going" section it says :
"The introduction of the iPad might signal another tangent for e-readers...these trends could result in an all-purpose device capable of containing all of a student's texts and course materials, providing notification of campus emergencies or weather alerts, and allowing access to academic applications such as backchannel tools or remote lectures."
The Device versus the Books on Campus Technology tells of 3 instututions in the USA which have trialled e-book readers.
Reading for learning is not the same activity as reading for pleasure, and so the question must be asked: Do these devices designed for the consumer book market match up against the rigors of academic reading?
Campus Technology recently spoke with three universities that conducted e-reader pilots on their campuses to address that question. Northwest Missouri State University tested the Sony Reader PRS-505 during the 2008-2009 school year, while Princeton University (NJ) and Arizona State University are participating in a pilot of the Kindle DX with five other universities over the course of the 2009-2010 school year.
This is the student comment which sticks with me :
“This is the future, but we’re not quite there yet.”So, what is the ideal e-reader for students? Northwest Missouri’s Rickman sees the assimilation of e-readers into the academic setting as a merger process, with notebook computers becoming friendlier for reading books and textbooks while e-readers incorporate more of a computer’s capabilities—and he thinks Apple’s iPad will be the device that sets off this process. “The iPad is the beginning of this merger,” Rickman states. “It will be interesting to see what the feedback is. If it doesn’t provide that interface to the rest of the arch—the course syllabus, the course management system, the online library—then I think most students will continue using their notebook computers as e-readers.”
Pic is of the Queen's Drawing Room on the yacht Britannia which is docked at Leith. Rather a surreal choice for this post because I can't imagine the Queen with an e-reader...
Information Literacy 2.0
"In general the debate seems to be divided over how we can use web 2.0 to enhance our IL instruction delivery versus how we can do that and also teach how to use web.2.0 to effectively organise, evaluate, create and reuse information. Quite different perspectives. In case you can't tell I'm for the latter. "
I guess that in the book we emphasised how 2.0 tools could be used to enhance our IL delivery. It has always been important to encourage the students themselves to use the tools to help them become more information literate.
Plagiarism video
Monday, 7 June 2010
Kids more likely to own a phone than a book
Findings from National Literacy Trust research published on 2 June 2010 revealed that 86% of young people in the UK owned a mobile phone, while only 73% had books of their own. The study of over 17,000 young people revealed a strong link between both young people’s reading ability and access to books at home.
A thoughtful post by Chris Cameron on ReadWriteWeb suggests this mobile ubiquity need not be connected to any declin ein children's reading abilities. In fact mobiles give new opportunities for giving children access to content.
Is the Internet making us dumber?
Matthew Ingram begins :
"Is the internet making us smarter or dumber? The Wall Street Journal put together a couple of provocative essays this weekend looking at that question: one from Nick Carr, whose most recent book The Shallows argues that the internet is making us less attentive and in general less intelligent, and the other from Clay Shirky, whose latest book Cognitive Surplus argues that the internet is on balance a good thing for both individuals and society."
From the debate on the post it seems to be a matter of which you think is the more significant :
The decline in the people's ability to reflect.
The collisions and connections in ideas made possible by the interent.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tools for helping your students choose their topic
The Google Wonder Wheel is one that I should have known about before. Recommend you try this. It's not infallible in the links it makes, but it's easy enough to find and may engage our users - the ones that think visually, that is!
Monday, 24 May 2010
Library of the Future in Plain English
Social Media Revolution
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Netvibes dashboards are great!
Thanks to Phil Bradley's Weblog I was reminded to take a look at Netvibes again. See his post here. It makes the creation of a collection of RSS feeds so easy! Just put in your subject and it creates a page of feeds and you can then add your own selected ones! Brilliant!This will be really useful for setting up pages of resource feeds on subjects for staff and students.
I've always used PageFlakes for my home page : guess I should change to Netvibes.
LRC induction using iPod Touch and quizzes
It can be viewed via this link.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Library students' posters in Second Life
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Mobile Literacy at Computers in Libraries
Virtual Libraries month in Second Life
1)Information on Community Virtual Library activities (a Second Life international "ask a librarian" service and more e.g. they mount exhibitions and events)
2)A sampling of other libraries in Second Life (this is an Italianate garden with posters with links to a sample of Second Life libraries)
To go to these locations you need a Second Life avatar and the SL browser on your computer.
Reading and Writing the Wotrld : School Libraries as sponsors of Transliteracy
In this brief talk at Computers in Libraries (CIL) 2010 on Monday, April 12 2010 she discusses how librarians can use the frameworks of participatory librarianship and sponsors of literacy to conceptualize the ways we can integrate transliteracy seamlessly into our library programs.
I must admit being sceptical of another attempt at solving the tangle of literacies and would the idea of transliteracy be helpful? The first few slides included the idea of sponsors of literacy are the delivery systems for the economies of literacies. (?) But it's a really good slide show with some great images and begins with the work of Deborah Brandt defining literacy as a "valuable - and volatile property"which can potentially help individuals gain "power or pleasure,[accrue] information, civil rights, education, spirituality, status (and) money." Schools and libraries have a key role "inviting critical and active uses of media that strenthen democratic potential." Goes on to define transliteracy as "the ability to read and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, tv, radio and film, to digital social networks". As sponsors of transliteracy libraries can close the participation gap. Hey I wish I had been at that presentation. This begins to make sense. This is certainly the most interesting take on literacies I've yet seen and all school librarians should take a look - this may be a real way forward but I still worry about labels like "transliteracy". Does it sound tendentious?
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Monday, 12 April 2010
LILAC Conference 2010 : discussion in Second Life
I went to Sheila Webber's InfoLit School SecondLife session yesterday
where a few of us gathered to talk about the recent LILAC conference,
the main UK conference on IL, held in Ireland last month. Sheila
(Sheila Yoshikawa in SL) introduced our speakers, 'Pancha Enzyme' and
'Ishbel Hartmann', and with a mix of text chat and voice they
presented some of the highlights from the conference, including an
overview of the pecha kucha technique (20 powerpoint slides of 20
seconds duration each ‑ no mean feat; we agreed that it would be
useful for getting a powerful message across though less good for
audience participation); Geoff Walton's work 'demolishing' the Sconul
7 pillars model of IL; and a research project (Stephanie Rosenblatt)
looking at the impact of IL interventions on the quality of student
bibliographies. The work being undertaken in Newcastle's public
libraries was also mentioned (I remember the tweets about this at the
time, people were very excited), along with Edinburgh's support for
students in SL (via the 'IS cream van'), and the use of QR codes on
mobiles phones to support IL.
The session lasted about an hour and I took away lots of new and
useful stuff to follow up. Sheila provided SL 'notecards' with the
links, and also a very fetching LILAC t shirt for our avatars to wear!
When we did a quick check, there were participants from the US,
Australia and the UK ‑ so if you get the timing right, you probably
get as good a spread of people as you would at a f2f conference.
Sheila usually makes a transcript of the events available, so look out
for that.
The next session is in a couple of weeks, when John Kirriemuir, who
wrote the gaming chapter in the book, will be talking about SL in
I am not a regular visitor to SL (I haven't entirely mastered sitting
down, and 'flying' successfully is completely beyond me!) but there is
something strangely compelling about the environment. I'm 'Isla
Darwinian', by the way, in SL, so do introduce yourself if we bump
into each other!
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Information Literacy - where next?
He concludes :
"So, where next for information literacy, at least in the world of higher education? All
the work highlighted in this paper does suggest that there is a growing problem about
the superabundance of information in society and that we, in HEIs and beyond, are
struggling to come to terms with it. Some, like Andrew Whitworth, see the danger as
one that threatens the very health of society: like Morgan Spurlock’s liver in the film
Supersize Me, over-consumption is threatening to turn our critical faculties into pâté.
Information literacy is generally perceived as offering some salvation, but there are
major problems with this concept that are getting in the way of its saving of the world.
As was evident in the Melville report, there seems to be uncertainty about the very
nature of the concept: whether it is a simple competence-based frame, or something
grander. An increasing sense of ‘conceptual stretching’ is being generated, and there
does appear to be a disconnect between what experts, such as Whitworth, mean by the
term, and how it is perceived by the wider world. Here it is more likely to be identified as a few lessons taken by a librarian as part of a – probably rather dull – research skills module, rather than as a vehicle of empowerment and political liberation. Tackling this identity crisis is the necessary next step for supporters of information literacy."
So let's go out and tackle this identity crisis, but how??
Social media best practices for libraries
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Information Source Evaluation Matrix
The new SCONUL Focus contains an article written by Mike Leigh and colleagues at DMU on the Information Source Evaluation Matrix, which they are using to enable students to assess information sources. Please send any feedback to Kaye Towlson (
Towlson, Kaye, Leigh, Mike and Mathers, Lucy (2009) The Information Source Evaluation Matrix, a quick, easy and transferable content evaluation tool, SCONUL Focus (47) p15 - 18
The Information Source Evaluation Matrix (ISEM) was developed by Leigh, Mathers and Towlson (2009) as part of a Research Informed Teaching Award funded project at De Montfort University. It is a quick, easy to use, information evaluation tool which identifies common criteria used in the evaluation of information sources. It provides a range of descriptors allocated to each evaluation criterion to allow a weighting to be allocated to a source within the context of a given task. This generates an overall score which gives a strong indication of the value of the source to the students’ work. This article provides background to its development and purpose, plus a copy of the matrix.
Online at
At first sight this looks a very useful tool and its use would force students to apply all the criteria concerned in evaluating a website or any material.
There is also a copy of the matrix on the DMU site here.